this small human woke up babbling a blue stream on the morning of her birthday. she has always been very talkative, but today she was uniquely so. a full-fledged conversation, a story with highs and lows. did we crack a new mental leap?
the adventures of a toronto montessori baby
Montessori Materials
Newborn - 5 weeks (1 month)
World of strange sensations
Cannot distinguish between himself and the outer world, whether his discomfort comes from his body or outside it
Sight: can see about a foot away (to mother’s face), beyond that vision is blurred
React best to strong contrasts: black and white holds their attention the longest, red and white etc, is also effective
Can track moving objects as long as the movement is slow and deliberate
Sound: likes sounds that resemble the thump of the heart, veins and other internal organs familiar from the womb
Smell: can recognize mother’s smell if presented with her clothing
Feel: can sense temperature changes but cannot regulate her temperature; being touched is the best amusement
The black and white Munari mobile to stimulate vision
The topponcino, which the mother sleeps with before birth, to comfort baby with mother’s smell
Week 8 (2 months)
World of Patterns
Ay 6-8 weeks, baby’s head circumference increases dramatically and there are changes in their brain waves
Baby no longer experiences himself and his world as one universe
Discovers his hands or feet, will voluntarily grasp a toy instead relying on reflex
Looks at luminous and shiny things
Makes sounds, sings, interrupts when others are talking
Simple grasping toys: grasping beads, bell rattle, puzzle ball
Montessori mobiles: the shiny octahedron mobile, gobbi mobile (our baby batted at this one)
Week 12 (3 months)
World of Smooth Transitions
Can recognize subtle and gradual changes
Better control of bodily movement
Vision improves and will soon be as good as an adult’s
Studies and plays with your hands
Can shift between loud and soft sounds
Produces sounds that resembles vowels
Montessori mobiles: gobbi mobile in gradations of colour, dancers mobile (this one moves very subtly)
Bell rattle
Box of textured fabrics
*maybe a good time to introduce baby sign language
Week 19 (4.5 months)
World of Events
String together patterns and transitions to become events eg. he can reach out for a toy, grasp it, shake it, turn it around to inspect it, put it in his mouth
Speak in babbling sentences
Recognize short flowing sounds
Recognize familiar tunes
Can understand simple, familiar sentences
Enjoys mirror games - recognizes mom and her reflection
Dramatic changes in brain waves and increase in head circumference
Bell rattle
Puzzle ball
Sing musical scale
Movement mirror